Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I have been monitoring Moe's Forum with a couple of my friends and its sad to say that the forum we helped create a few years ago by linking our websites to that forum has dwindled down to 2 drug addicts, 1 pimp, 1 psycho, 1 disgruntled businessman, and 1 unknown female who claims to be the savior of local kids.

Over the last couple of days the psycho, Gary Daniels (aka Lookdeeper) has been posting new links and then having to go back and talk to himself because nobody will talk to him online. It's sad to say that the forum is being led by two crackheads that have a connection with the local disgruntled businessman who seems to be angered at every turn by his failure to see attacks being made on him by other local business entrepreneurs. The real problem is that this disgruntled businessman simply was outsmarted by his competition. Then there is the cyber pimp, a guy that calls himself swamplandking. This guy seems to feel like he is the cyber cop and claims to have all the answers. The only problem is he doesn't even know what the questions are!! Finally they have a woman that claims to be the kids savior of Scioto County. This woman is about as crazy as they come.

It's really sad to say it but what once was a place for local people to express their views has become the personal playground of the druggies and their employer. Threads that are against the local businessman are immediately pulled down while favorable links are kept right at the top of the page to ensure that only positive publicity is written on that forum for the disgruntled businessman.

But there is some good news on the forum front. A new man has stepped forward and has opened up a forum where citizens can once again take on the gang without worrying about being censored. The following link will get you there. It is called Looks Forum!

I don't know the name of the owner of this forum but he has allowed me the opportunity to address my enemies that write about me on Moe's Forum where I was banned from responding in kind. I hope for the disgruntled businessman's sake he reevaluates his position and separates himself from employees who use drugs because eventually this will leak into his business venture and it will impact on that business. It's only a matter of time until the Social Security Administration comes knocking on the door anyway.

Maybe in the very near future we can have a funeral service for the demise of Moe's Forum. That way it can be put away once and forall where it belongs. On the scrapheap of death.

Have a nice day all.

John Welton (DD)