Monday, May 21, 2007

Claudette Ferguson says pornograph pics were pics of her daughters! Who was the mystery lady arrested with her husband?

Just when you think you have heard it all, you usually get something even better. That was told to me by a man at McDonald's about the Mike Blackburn investigation but it holds true about my inital story about Joseph Ferguson allegedly being caught with pornographic pictures at his home at 309 Front Street, Portsmouth, Ohio when the house was raided for drugs with a legal search warrant by the Ohio Liquor Control and the Ohio Public Safety Agents.

Little did I know that Joe Ferguson's wife Claudette would come out on Moe's Forum and announce to the whole world that the pictures in question were pictures of her two daughters ages 1 and 4 at the times the pic(s) were taken. Claudette Ferguson went on to say that the girls were in a pool naked and that she thought that was appropriate.

Then I went back and re-read the arrest story from the Portsmouth Daily Times and discovered that at the time Joe Ferguson was arrested there was an "unidentified woman" at the location of the search. Now why would the PDT report that an unidentified woman was present if that woman was Ferguson's wife Claudette?

It sure makes a person wonder.

I have also notice something else weird about this case. There were five or six people arrested and the PDT stated that one arrest was made in Columbus. The funny part is that with the exception of Joe Ferguson, none of the names in the PDT article had criminal complaints filed against them in either the Portsmouth Municipal Court or the Scioto County Common Pleas Court. Unless they all changed their names it appears that none of them were ever charged.

Does this indicate that maybe they all were willing to snitch on Ferguson in exchange of getting their charges dismissed before they ever went to court? Was Ferguson the ring leader of the cocaine business that got busted? The story said the cocaine buyer was arrested in Columbus, Ohio. Was Joe Ferguson the distribution man in Scioto County? All of these questions are out there for people to ponder because Joe Ferguson rushed to plead guilty to the crimes against him in exchange for probation.

I for one am concerned for the children used in the porno pictures. How were their mental status affected by this type of activity? It's one thing for a parent to take a picture of a newborn baby getting its' first bath but I believe there's a serious problem when a woman allows a man who is not the father of the child to see a four year old child naked! If that's what Mrs. Ferguson believes is acceptable then she should seek some help to better understand that it is not acceptable to do such things.

A review of the official court records proves that Joe Ferguson is physically abuse to family members. The Portsmouth Police arrested him on domestic violence charges but the family member failed to show up to prosecute him on the day of his hearing. This is a good example why jurors are turned off by many domestic violence cases even when the charge is legitimate. Letting abuse men of the hook is a crime against humanity.

It is good to know that Portsmouth Police Chief Charles Horner has finally had his name cleared about this matter with Joe Ferguson. Ferguson has stated to numerous individuals that it was Chief Horner and his "goons" that "set him up" on the drug charges. While I have problems with many things Chief Horner has done, when I find out he has been wronged I say it for my readers to read. I took Ferguson at his word which isn't worth spit! That error won't happen again.

Ferguson has made threats on his Moezine Forum that if these type of stories and statements continue that there will be "consequences" in the future. I hope one of the consequences is a lawsuit so I can get Joe and his wife Claudette under oath and expose both of them and their few posters on their forum for what they truly are: garbage!

More coming on this matter later.

John Welton (DD)